Dear colleagues,
We are glad to inform you of the First International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, organized between the 20th and 24th of August 2015 at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania), within the framework of the project The ethno-archaeology of the salt springs and salt mountains from the extra-Carpathian areas of Romania.
Presentations are invited on any of the following open themes: archaeological investigation, exploitation and product manufacturing techniques, exploitation and use tools, transport and storage containers, human and animal alimentation, food preservation, mythology, religion, cult, rituals, beliefs, superstitions, mentalities, secret societies, magic, vows, curses, prohibitions, folk medicine, alchemical procedures, symbolic uses, folk (stories, tales and proverbs) and high literature, sexuality, demography and population studies, human and animal mobility, scientific and cultural representations, treatment of the deceased, economy, hide working, trade, barter, contraband, robbery, the control of salt resources, conflicts, strategic value, geographic perceptions, professions related to salt exploitation and use, economic, legal and administrative regulations, vocabulary, toponymy, anthroponymy, etc.
Working languages
The conference’s languages are English, French, Italian, and Spanish.
Important dates
31 May 2015 — Abstracts submission deadline
15 June 2015 — Notification of abstract acceptance
20–24 August 2015 — Congress days
Preliminary agenda
20 August 2015 — Arrival of participants
21 August 2015 — First working day
22 August 2015 — Second working day
23 August 2015 — Excursion
24 August 2015 — Departure of participants
Abstracts should be around 200–300 words, and may also include one image. Please also provide the following information: (1) title; (2) name and affiliation of the author(s); and (3) presentation type (oral or poster). Abstracts should be sent to, not later than the 30th of April 2015. The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and the acceptance notifications will be sent by 15th of May 2015.
Conference proceedings
We intend to publish the proceedings within a year after the conclusion of the congress at a prestigious printing house. The papers submitted will pass through a normal peer-review process.
A pdf of this call for papers is attached to this email. Please print a copy and post it to your faculty bulletin board, or forward this email along to anyone you think might be interested in the symposium. For more information, please visit the symposium website: Any further questions are welcomed. For any inquiries please write to