Figura 1_plan reconstituire troaca
Plan for reconstituting the trough
Figura 2_detalii troaca_lucru
Carving out the trough
Figura 3_Scobire cu dalta
Chisel work inside the trough
Figura 4_detaliu interiorr
Inside the trough
Figura 5_cepuri de soc
Elderberry (Sambucus) wooden spigots
Figura 6_pregatire intalatie filtrare
Preparing the filtration installation
Figura 7_pregatire instalatie filtrare cu troaca
Preparing the filtration installation
Figura 8_montarea pe picioare a troacei de lemn
Mounting the trough on stilts
Figura 9_reglare cepuri si sfori in interiorul troacei
Adjusting the spigots and cords inside the trough
Figura 10_montare si pregatire pentru experiment filtrare slatina
Setting up the trough for the brine filtering experiment