EthnosalRo 2017–2019 — Results

Scientific reports


Activity briefing (2017–2019)

Works published

  • Two book chapters published by prestigious foreign publishing houses;
  • One chapter/entry in Springer’s Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology;
  • 17 articles/studies published in ranked journals (minimum ERIH PLUS);
  • Two books of abstracts for two editions of the International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt.

Works accepted for publication

  • One single-author book;
  • One congress proceedings volume;
  • Five articles/studies published in ranked journals (minimum ERIH PLUS);

Works forthcoming

  • Two article submitted for review.

International scientific events organised in the framework of the project

  • Two international congresses (co-organiser);
  • One international conference (organiser);
  • Eight sessions in two international congresses organised in the framework of the project.

Participations at international scientific meetings

  • 58 papers presented by the team members.

Participations at national scientific meetings

  • Seven papers presented by the team members.

Published works

Book chapters


  • Robin Brigand, Olivier Weller, Felix Adrian Tencariu, Marius Alexianu, Andrei Asăndulesei, Ovine pastoralism and mobility systems in Romania An ethnoarchaeological approach, in E. Costello, E. Svensson (eds.), Historical Archaeologies of Transhumance across Europe, Routledge, 2018, 245-263.


  • M. Alexianu, Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in Romania, in C. Smith (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer (2020) [extract].
  • Mihailescu-Birliba, Salt exploitation in Roman Dacia. A Larger Overview, in L. Birliba & W. Spickermann (eds.), Roman Army and Local Society in the Limes Provinces of the Roman Empire. Papers of an International Conference, Iași, June 4th–6th, 2018, Pharos. Studien zur Griechisch-römischen Antike, Rhaden (Westf.), Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2019, 163-186.






Other publications


Works accepted for publication


  • L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Salt in Roman Dacia: production, use, and strategic value, Archaeopress, Oxford (in press 2020);
  • A. Plata Montero (ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain, 12-15 September 2018, Imprenta de la Disputacíon Foral de Alava, Vitoria-Gasteiz (in press 2020).

Book chapters

  • L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Salt exploitation in Roman Dacia, in Brais X. Currás Refojos & María Ruiz del Árbol Moro (eds.), The Salt of Rome. Archaeology of Salt Production under the Roman Empire, Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, Madrid (in press 2020).


  • D. Moscal, L’étymologie du roum. sein (var.: săin, sărin) “gris”. Revue de linguistique romane [ISI] (in press).
  • L. Buzea, Raport preliminar asupra experimentelor arheologice desfășurate la Beclean–Băile Figa, jud. Bistrița-Năsăud, 2017–2018. Utilizarea „troacelor” și instalațiilor din lemn în procesul de extragere și exploatare a surselor de sare, slatină și nămol sărat (I), Angustia 22 / 2018;
  • M. Ștefan, V. Kavruk, A. Asăndulesei, F. Tencariu, The Digital Map of Salt resources Accessible to non-Industrial exploitation, Istros (in press 2019);
  • D. Ștefan, V. Kavruk, Principles of Salt Geodynamics. Applications on the study of the pre-industrial exploitation of the salt resources in Transylvanian Depression, Istros (in press 2019);
  • O. Toda, V. Kavruk, D. Ștefan, A. Harding, M. Alexianu, Salt exploitation site at Pata in western Transylvania, Istros (in press 2019);
  • V. Kavruk, D. Buzea, J. Puskás, D. Ștefan, Cercetări privind exploatarea preistorică a sării efectuate în anii 2016 – 2019 la Băile Figa. Raport preliminar. Angvstia 23, 2019.


Articles submitted

  • A. Mihu-Pintilie, V. Vasilache, F.-A. Tencariu, A. Asăndulesei, Application of SEM-EDX to Investigate the Elemental Composition of Salt from Groundwater Sources Selected Based on Ethnoarchaeological EvidenceWater [ISI] (manuscript submitted);


Papers delivered at international scientific events


  • Gheorghe Romanescu, Le sel et le développement des établissements humains avec potentiel balnéo-climatérique de l’espace intra-carpatique de la Roumanie, 4ème colloque de l’Association Francophone de Géographie Physique, Tanger (Maroc), 3-5 octombrie 2017.
  • Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu, Anthropology of Salt: Theoretical Approaches[key presentation], Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner Carpathian area of Romania: a new exploratory research project[key presentation], Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Towards the safeguarding of saltscapes[key presentation]
  • Valerii Kavruk, Towards the Ethnogeology of Salt, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Felix Adrian Tencariu, Andrei Asăndulesei, Robin Brigand, Olivier Weller, Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu, Tools, means of transportation and recipients used for the extraction, storage and consumption ofrock salt and brine in the extra-Carpathian areas of Romania, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Ștefan Caliniuc, The Carpathian salt springs and the borderland society of the Eastern European Chalcolithic, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, References on salt in Justinian’s Digest, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Zsolt Simon, The Salt Production of Transylvania and Maramureş in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period (c. 1500-1800), Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Olivier Weller, European prehistoric salt production: some considerations for a technological approach in ceramic studies, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Valerii Kavruk, The Typology of Prehistoric Salt Exploitation and Exchange in the Balkan-Pontic-Carpathian Zone, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Gheorghe Lazarovici, The role of salt in the neolithisation process of Southeast Europe, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, Salt and finalization of the neolithisation process on Romanian territory and in Central Europe, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu, Types of salt-resource exploitation in resilient areas of Romania, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu, Salt heritage: a triadic unity, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Andrei Asăndulesei, The Wide Angle of Romanian Saltscapes. Oblique Aerial Photography for Recording Salt Resources, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Andrea Chiricescu, Brine-well houses in Transylvania (Romania). A short description of their history and architecture, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Valerii Kavruk, The need for salt in domestic animals may be induced by humans. Case study: mass suicide of hens, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Mihaela Asăndulesei, Lexic of salt in Romanian, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.
  • Mihaela Asăndulesei, Toponymy of salt in Romania, Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México.


  • Dan Ștefan, Maria Magdalena Ștefan, Valerii Kavruk, Dan Buzea, Geophysical exploration and landscape studies of the Bronze Age burial mounds on the salt routes in Southeastern Transylvania, 18th IUPPS World Congress, 4-9 June 2018, Paris, France.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Towards the safeguarding of the saltscapes in Transylvania and Maramureș, 24th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018, Barcelona.
  • Mihaela Asăndulesei, Toponymy and saltscapes in Romania, 24th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018, Barcelona.
  • Mihaela Asăndulesei, Ethnomedicinal parameters in the framework of ethnoarchaeological research on salt in Romania, 24th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018, Barcelona.
  • Andrei Asăndulesei, Felix-Adrian Tencariu, Ștefan Caliniuc, Saltscape: an opened and dynamic biotope governed by salt. Tracing markers related to anthropic activities, 24th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018, Barcelona.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Svetlana Ivanova, Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu, The North Pontic saltscapes, 24th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018, Barcelona.
  • Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Safeguarding the intangible heritage of salt: the concept of a virtual museum of halotherapy, 24th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018, Barcelona.
  • Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu, Anthropology of salt: holistic view, saturated model[key presentation], 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Andrei Asăndulesei, Alexianu Codrin Gabriel, Caliniuc Ștefan, Salt and the diffusion of the Cucuteni culture in Southeastern Transylvania — The Ariușd cultural group, 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Mihaela Asăndulesei, Romanian toponymy of salt in Eastern Transylvania, 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Traditional halotherapy in Romania: practices and ethnoscience, 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Reconstructing the “trough technique” of the Bronze Age salt production in the Inner-Carpathian Romania and Ukraine, 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Gheorghe Lazarovici, Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, Salt and neolithic stages in Southern Central Europe, 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Felix-Adrian Tencariu, Magda Mircea, Marius-Tiberiu Alexianu, Adaptive convergence in the shape and manufacture of the pottery used for salt-making (briquetages), 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Viorica Vasilache, Valerii Kavruk, Felix-Adrian Tencariu, Bronze age pottery in the Băile Figa salt production site (Romania), 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Gheorghe Romanescu, Les paysages en milieu salin de Roumanie: identification et préservation, Vème Colloque de l’Association Francophone de Géographie Physique, 20-22 September 2018, Coimbra, Portugal.
  • Marius Alexianu, The heritage of salt — a challenge for UNESCO regulations, International Conference Past for the Future, Future for the Past: Preservation and Promotion of World Heritage, 10-14 October 2018, Sighișoara, Romania.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Marius Alexianu, Roxana Curcă, Ștefan Caliniuc, The archaeological heritage of salt in Romania. Towards World Heritage inclusion, International Conference Past for the Future, Future for the Past: Preservation and Promotion of World Heritage, 10-14 October 2018, Sighișoara, Romania.


  • Dinu Moscal, Le roum. seín (var.: săín, sărín) ʻgrisʼ, un descendant du lat. salīnus?, XXIXe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes, Copenhaga, 1-6 July 2019.
  • Dinu Moscal, Descendenții lat. salinus. “Zilele Sextil Pușcariu” International Conference, 4th edition, 12-13 September 2019.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Salt mining in the Carpathian basin in 1650–800 BC. 25th Annual Meeting of the EAA, Bern, 4–7 September 2019.
  • Felix-Adrian Tencariu, Bridging Some Gaps: Advances of the Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in Romania. 84th Annual Meeting of Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2019.
  • Olivier Weller, Bridging some gaps: Advances of the Archaeology of salt in Europe, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Marius Alexianu, Twelve field ethnoarchaeological campaigns on salt in Romania (2007-2019), The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Viorica Vasilache, Andrei Asăndulesei, Felix Tencariu, Mihaela Asăndulesei, Valerii Kavruk, Marius Alexianu, Physical-chemical analyses of saline water samples from inner-Carpathian salt springs, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Mihaela Asăndulesei, Andrei Asăndulesei, Radu-Ștefan Balaur, Topology and toponymy. The analysis of the spatial relations for the salt resources of eastern Transylvania, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Marius Alexianu, Dan Buzea, Dan Ștefan, Andrei Asăndulesei, Felix Tencariu, New field research on the ethnoarchaeology of salt in the inner-Carpathian region, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Andrei Asăndulesei, Marius Alexianu, Felix Tencariu, Radu Balaur, The radial model of salt supply in longue durée. Case study: Ocna Sibiului, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Felix Adrian Tencariu, Andrei Asăndulesei, Recent contributions to the field identification and ethnoarchaeological investigation of the salt springs from Bistrița-Năsăud County, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Cornelia Magda Lazarovici, Gheorghe Lazarovici, Silviu Gridan, Olimpia Gridan, Salt wells and springs from the Rupea area, Brașov County, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Dan Buzea, Valerii Kavruk, Anthony Harding, Trough salt production, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Ștefan Caliniuc, Ethnotreatments with salt mud in Transylvania, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Lucrețiu Mihăilescu-Bîrliba, Andrei Asăndulesei, Salt exploitation in Roman Dacia. Modern sources and new archaeological surveys, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Marius Alexianu, Dinu Moscal, Andrei Asăndulesei, Johann Ehrenreich von Fichtel 1780. Salt springs – a distinct research field (eigenes Hauptstück), The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Florica Mătău, Mitică Pintilei, Valerii Kavruk, Technological features of EBA pottery from Băile Figa. Preliminary report, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Vasile Pelin, Viorica Vasilache, Horea Bedelean, Ion Sandu, Valerii Kavruk, Chemical and mineralogical analysis of certain salt samples from Baile Figa archaeological site, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Magdalena Ștefan, Valerii Kavruk, The Digital Map of Salt resources Accessible to non-Industrial exploitation, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.
  • Dan Ștefan, Valerii Kavruk, Principles of Salt Geodynamics. Applications on the study of the pre-industrial exploitation of salt resources in the Transylvanian Depression, The International Conference The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania, Iași, 23-29.09.2019.

Papers delivered at national scientific events


  • Valerii Kavruk, Date noi privind exploatarea preistorică a sării în Transilvania, Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice Milenii tezaurizate. Creaţie şi spiritualitate, ediţia a XVIII-a, Buzău, 25 octombrie 2018.
  • Dan Buzea, Havarea şi extragerea sării cu ajutorul troacelor de lemn. Experimente arheologice de la Băile Figa 2017-2018, Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice Milenii tezaurizate. Creaţie şi spiritualitate, ediţia a XVIII-a, Buzău, 25 octombrie 2018.
  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, Gheorghe Lazarovici, Silviu Gridan, Olimpia Gridan, Horia Pirău, Mircea Oancă, Cristian Roman, Claudiu Florian, Constantin Aparaschivei, Cercetări arheologice la Rupea (jud. Brașov)– Noutăţi arheologice la Institutul de Arheologie din Iaşi. Campania 2018 (Zilele Academice Ieşene. Ediţia a XXXIII-a, 2018), 2 noiembrie 2018, Iaşi.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Oana Toda, Dan Ștefan, Maria-Magdalena Ștefan, Dan Buzea, Noi cercetări non-invazive în situri cu urme de exploatare a sării din Transilvania, Sesiunea Națională de Rapoarte de cercetări Arheologice 2018, 15 – 17 noiembrie 2018, Cluj-Napoca.
  • Valerii Kavruk, Dan Buzea, Cercetări privind exploatarea preistorică a sării la Băile Figa în anul 2018, Sesiunea Națională de Rapoarte de cercetări Arheologice 2018, 15 – 17 noiembrie 2018, Cluj-Napoca.
  • Marius Alexianu, Valerii Kavruk, Proiectul Etnoarheologia sării în spațiul intracarpatic al României, Sesiunea științifică a Muzeului Național al Carpaților Răsăriteni, ediția a XV-a, 26-27 noiembrie 2018, Sfântu-Gheorghe.


  • Lucrețiu Bîrliba, Andrei Asăndulesei, Exploatarea sării în Dacia romană. Izvoare moderne și noi periegheze arheologice, Workshop-ul ”Cercetarea Interdisciplinară la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, 23 octombrie 2019.


International scientific events organized


  • Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México. Persons involved: Marius Alexianu [President of the Scientific Committee], Roxana-Gabriela Curcă [Vice-president of the Organising Committee].
  • Session ‘The ethnoarchaeology and the ethnography of salt exploitation, distribution and consumption’ at the Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México. Organisers: Eduardo Williams, Felix Adrian Tencariu, Andrei Asăndulesei, Olivier Weller, Mihaela Asăndulesei, Marius Alexianu.
  • Session ‘The typology of salt production in the archaic societies’ at the Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México. Organisers: Valerii Kavruk, Marius Alexianu.
  • Session ‘Towards the safeguarding of saltscapes’ at the Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México. Organiser: Valerii Kavruk.
  • Session ‘Unknown, less known, surprising stories on salt’ at the Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México. Organiser: Marius Alexianu.
  • Lexical approaches to salt studies’ at the Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México. Organiser: Mihaela Asăndulesei.
  • Session ‘Toponymy of salt’ at the Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12–16 October 2017, Los Cabos, México. Organiser: Mihaela Asăndulesei.
  • Session 689, ‘The Archaeology and Heritage of Saltscapes: The Synergy of Environment and Culture’, at the 24th European Association of Archaeologists Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 September 2018. Organisers: Valerii Kavruk (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Univ. of Iasi), Katia Hueso Kortekaas (ICAI School of Engineering –Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid – Institute of Saltscapes and Salt Heritage IPAISAL).


  • Session at the 24th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting Barcelona, 5-8 September 2018, The archaeology and heritage of saltscapes: the synergy of environment and culture. Organisers: Kavruk, Valerii (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza University” of Iași; Hueso Kortekaas, Katia (ICAI School of Engineering – Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid; IPAISAL – Institute of Saltscapes and Salt Heritage).
  • 3rd International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 12-15 September 2018, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana, Spain.
  • Workshop Proiectul Etnoarheologia sării în spațiul intracarpatic al României, Sesiuniea științifică a Muzeului Național al Carpaților Răsăriteni, ediția a XV-a, 26-27 noiembrie 2018, Sfântu-Gheorghe.


  • The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner-Carpathian area of Romania – International Conference, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, September 23rd–29th, 2019.

Research stages

  • Valerii Kavruk — Mining Museum (Bergbau Museum), Bochum; University of Bochum; Institute of Archaeology in Bochum (Germany). 20-27 November 2017.

Field investigations

2019 — Sibiu County
  1. Slatina, com Porumbacu
  2. Porumbacu
  3. Avrig (area)
  4. Ocna Sibiului
  5. Șalcău
2019 — Alba County
  1. Cetatea de Baltă
2019 — Mureș County
  1. Târnăveni
2019 — Maramureș County
  1. Costiui, Rona de Sus commune
  2. Ocna Sugatag
  3. Rona de Sus (two sites)
  4. Botiza (two sites)
  5. Salistea de Sus
  6. Slatioara (three sites)
  7. Glod, Stramtura commune
  8. Poienile Izei
  9. Ieud (two sites)
  10. Nanesti
  11. Bogdan Voda
2019 — Sălaj County
  1. Dobrocina, Galgau commune
2019 — Cluj County
  1. Dej
  2. Bunești, Mintiu Gherlii commune
  3. Gherla
  4. Sic
  5. Coasta, Bonțida commune
  6. Jucu
  7. Gadalin
  8. Corpadea
  9. Apahida
  10. Dezmir
  11. Cojocna
  12. Pata
  13. Aiton
  14. Sânmărghita, Mica commune
  15. Nireș, Mica commune
  16. Cluj-Napoca
2018 — Bistrița-Năsăud County
  1. Bistrița Bârgăului, com. Bistrița Bârgăului
  2. Blăjeni de Sus, com. Șintereag
  3. Cepari, com. Dumitra
  4. Dumitra, com. Dumitra
  5. Josenii Bârgăului, com. Josenii Bârgăului
  6. Livezile, com. Livezile
  7. Mijlocenii Bârgăului, com. Josenii Bârgăului
  8. Mintiu com. Nimigea
  9. Nimigea, com. Nimigea
  10. Pinticul, com. Teaca
  11. Sovata, oraș Sovata
  12. Susenii Bârgăului, com. Prundu Bârgăului
  13. Șieu Sfântu, com. Șintereag
  14. Tăure, com. Nimigea
  15. Viile Tecii, com. Teaca
  16. Caila, com. Caila
  17. Blăjenii de Jos, com. Caila
  18. Săsarm, com. Săsarm
2018 — Brașov County
  1. Mercheașa, com. Homorod
  2. Rupea, oraș Rupea
  3. Comana de Jos
  4. Comana de Sus
  5. Veneția de Sus
  6. Rotbav
  7. Perșani
  8. Ungra
  9. Grid
2018 — Sibiu County
  1. Cristian
  2. Ocna Sibiului
  3. Miercurea Sibiului (Băi, Valea Sărată)
  4. Avrig
  5. Săcădate
2018 — Alba County
  1. Ocnișoara
2018 — Cluj County
  1. Mica
  2. Micești
  3. Nireș
  4. Pata
  5. Turda
  6. Valea Florilor
2017 — Harghita County
  1. Aldea, com. Martinis
  2. Comanesti, com. Martinis
  3. Corund, com. Corund
  4. Lueta, com Lueta
  5. Martinis, com. Martinis
  6. Meresti, com. Meresti
  7. Petreni, com. Martinis
  8. Praid
  9. Sanpaul, com. Martinis
2017 — Mureș County
  1. Ideciul de Jos, com. Ideci
  2. Jabenita, com. Solovăstru
  3. Orsova, com. Gurghiu
